Life Is Strange 2
While Life is Strange 2 has been long anticipated, developer Dontnod Entertainment and publisher Square Enix have been quiet about the game. At E3 this year, they released a prequel chapter about a little boy, his imagination, and an alcoholic father which we ended up really digging. Since the free chapter's release, Dontnod has been pretty cagey about Life is Strange 2, but we've finally gotten a reveal trailer.
From the reveal trailer, it seems like the first episode at least follows two bothers on their own in the pacific northwest. While the two wander the wilderness, they come across a police officer who has brandished his gun. Something followed that may or may not involve superpowers and the cop's car takes a tumble.
The first episode of Life is Strange 2 releases on September 27 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.