Check Out The Entropy Centre, A Portal-esque Puzzle Adventure Game, In This New Gameplay Trailer
The Entropy Centre is an upcoming first-person sci-fi puzzle adventure game first revealed during the Future Games Showcase back in June. Set to hit PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC this year, this game quickly grabbed my attention when I first saw its reveal trailer.
It features plenty of Portal vibes, which is always a plus, and a unique premise: turn back time on objects inside an abandoned space station to determine a way to stop Earth and everyone on it from going extinct. If you haven’t yet seen the reveal trailer, give that a watch here. If you’ve already seen that, you’re probably ready to see more gameplay and fortunately, there's plenty to see in this new five-minute gameplay trailer:
Here’s what developer Stubby Games has to say about the game:
Are you excited about The Entropy Centre? Let me know in the comments below!