Jacob Geller
Jacob played untold hours of free Flash games and Lego titles he rented from the library before finally convincing his parents that having a Nintendo Wii would get him to exercise. With that bald-faced lie, a lifelong love of gaming was born. He bounced between shooters, RPGs, and character-action games before eventually settling into the arthouse side of the medium, where games like The Beginner’s Guide and Ico made him cry dignified tears. He started writing about these experiences on a blog that was read by upwards of six people. Shortly after, he was adopted by Cane and Rinse, a podcast with a lot of charm and an audience that existed. His degree in sociology isn’t particularly related to games journalism, but it is an excellent resource if he ever wants to get theoretical about something (or win an argument about inequality). In addition to games, he’s fascinated by architecture and enjoys spending time with his quickly growing puppy.