PlayStation VR 2 Reactions And Holiday Break Games | GI Show
We're back with 2022's first episode of The Game Informer Show! This week, we're breaking down our thoughts on the PlayStation VR 2 and Horizon Call of the Mountain, along with catching you up with all the games we've been playing over the holidays! Also, Inquisitor of Indie Games Jill Grodt and Marcus Stewart join the Alexes this week and add to another stellar round of Listener Questions to round out the show. If you missed our chaotic energy, it's back in full force and won't be going anywhere in 2022, so we hope you enjoy the episode.
Follow the crew on Twitter: Alex Stadnik (@Studnik76), Alex Van Aken (@itsVanAken), Jill Grodt (@Finruin), and Marcus Stewart (@MarcusStewart7)
The Game Informer Show is a weekly gaming podcast covering the latest video game news, industry topics, exclusive reveals, and reviews. Join hosts Alex Stadnik and Alex Van Aken every Thursday to chat about your favorite games – past and present – with Game Informer staff, developers, and special guests from all around the industry. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app.
Check out the timestamps below to jump to a particular point in the discussion:
00:00:46 – Introduction
00:04:27 – PlayStation VR 2 Reactions
00:25:48 – Holiday Break Games
01:15:49 – Housekeeping
01:19:12 – Listener Emails

Topic Of The Show:
Ah, the holidays. A time for family, relaxing, and playing video games until your eyes bleed. The latter is exactly what the panel did in the waning days of 2021, and today we're catching you up on all the titles that graced our consoles and PCs. Did we clean up some of our 2021 leftovers such as Halo Infinite? Or did we do our homework and prepare for some of the biggest sequels launching later this year? Or did we say screw all that and just play more Hades and Animal Crossing? You'll just have to tune in to find out.
Spoilers: One of us played a lot of Horizon Zero Dawn, and if you're excited about Guerrilla Games' sequel, check out our cover story here.
Listener Questions:
It's been too long since we heard from the lovely people in our community, so we're diving back into Listener Questions and chatting about our most anticipated games of 2022, our New Years' resolutions for gaming this year, and which GOTY contenders we missed in 2021.
Read their questions below, or submit your own via the Official Game Informer Community Discord or by emailing us at