Sifu Now Available To Download, New Launch Trailer Released
Sifu, the Pak Mei Kung Fu brawler developed by Sloclap, is now out on all platforms.
A console exclusive for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4, Sifu has also been released on the Epic Games Store on PC, and if you preordered or purchased the standard edition, which costs $39.99, you can now play the game. Of course, if you preordered the deluxe edition, which carried with it a $49.99 price tag, you’ve been able to play Sifu since Sunday as that edition granted players early access.
To celebrate news of Sifu’s launch today, Sloclap has released a launch trailer that showcases what to expect: striking visuals, dope music, and of course, plenty of enemies to punch and kick down to the ground.
After watching today’s new trailer, be sure to read our thoughts on the game in Game Informer’s Sifu review. Check out this gameplay from Game Informer’s New Gameplay Today segment all about Sifu after that.
Are you downloading Sifu today? Let us know in the comments below!