The Best Games Of 2023 So Far | GI Show
In this week's episode of The Game Informer Show, hosts Alex Van Aken and Marcus Stewart determine the best games of 2023 (their favorites, actually, but "best games" is better SEO) by looking back through Game Informer's 2023 video game release schedule. Obvious picks are The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, and Resident Evil 4 (Remake), however we also highlight lesser-known standouts like Friends Vs Friends, A Space for the Unbound, and Terra Nil.
Follow us on social media: Alex Van Aken (@itsVanAken), Marcus Stewart (@MarcusStewart7)
The Game Informer Show is a weekly gaming podcast covering the latest video game news, industry topics, exclusive reveals, and reviews. Join host Alex Van Aken every Thursday to chat about your favorite games – past and present – with Game Informer staff, developers, and special guests from around the industry. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app.
Jump to the timestamps to get to a particular point of discussion:
00:00:00 - Intro
00:02:42 - Discussion Introduction: 2023 Six Months in Review
00:05:17 - 2023 So Far: Games We Have and Haven't Played
01:43:22 - Housekeeping